Kris and Kari

Kris and Kari

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

That aint no etch a sketch...Your ego is preggo

We found out June 22nd that we are expecting! :)  I took a test that I had previously bought from a false alarm a few months prior.  I threw the instructions away, and that had the instructions on how to read it.

I thought I remembered-  One window would be a plus or negative if the test was taken properly and the other window would be plus or negative saying you are pregnant or not. WRONG.

This is not my pee stick, but a picture online of what the test I took looks like.  I saw the first window positive, and I thought "OK I did it right" and the other window was one line, so I thought "negative, not pregnant."

Then a few minutes later I decided to check online to make sure I read it right.. And I had the windows all wrong.  1st window is positive if you are pregnant, and the second window will have a line through it if it was done right.  My heart started beating really fast, and I thought "Oh man, this is not good for the baby"..

Kris wasn't home yet.  I wrapped this little bat I bought months ago, and had him unwrap it when he got home. 

Below is a video of him opening it.  He told me not to post on Facebook,  well this isn't Facebook. :)

Don't mind his outfit, he was trying on new clothes from a Zappos order.   The shirt I am wearing says "Rookie of the Year" and points to my belly.  He saw that in my laundry before I was pregnant so I wanted a little something else to tell him.   I was wearing that shirt... in the video he says, "Is this for real?"  I say yes, and unzip my hoodie so he sees that shirt.

And below are pictures of how we told our family.  Kris was the photographer, and yelled the "On three, say Kari is pregnant!"  We loved the reactions. :) 

Saw this survey on a friends blog, and I wanted to copy it.

How far along? 15weeks
Total weight gain: about 10 lbs...
Maternity clothes? I have a few things.  Most my clothes still fit, they are starting to get uncomfortable
Stretch marks? No, I have 3 different creams to see if I can prevent that.
Sleep: I love it. haha.
Best moment this week: Seeing our little boy on the ultra sound and confirming 100% that HE is a boy.
Miss Anything? I've had the urge to go in hot tubs. :(
Movement: Flutters below the belly button. Few times a week.
Food cravings: Everything bad for you- Fried food- hashbrowns, steak, pizza. Anything greasy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Chicken used to.
Gender: 100% Boy Stuff
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Tired. Achy hip and a few headaches. 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody?  I'm like a baby. Happy most of the time, but when I'm tired or hungry I am moody as can be.  Sorry hubs. 

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