This guy is getting too big too fast! We sure are trying to savor every moment.
- Several weeks ago he stopped crawling and just walks. :( He is still a little zombie like when he walks, but has gotten really good.
- He is talking and repeating things we say all the time. He says these words the most: hi, bye, daddy, momma, car, plane,truck, bus, baby, blaby (blanky), binbee (binky), Gilk (milk), goggy (doggy), ruff ruff, one more (even though he means 7 more), book, shoes, moon, star, Taycee, phant (elephant), light, ater (water), up, down, ... the list goes on and on..
- He loves music. He loves itsy bitsy spider and will sign along while singing. He also loves the popcorn song, Pharrel's Happy, & If You're Happy and you know it
-He will point to his eyes, nose, teeth, ear, and belly button. He does sign language for please, thank you, blows kisses, all done, and up. He will randomly tell a stranger "hi" while waving to them in random places, and these strangers seem to get a kick out of it.
- He loves dogs and animals! He will laugh and point and stare.

- He loves baths, water, and outside. If we open the door he runs to get outside. The only way to get him back inside is "Hey, Want to take a bath?" and then he'll run to the bathroom.
- He loves his cousins and kids his age. He gets so happy and even more energetic when he sees them.
We are so blessed and so lucky! He is a really sweet boy.
Everyone asks if we are ready for #2 or will we have #2. No, we are not ready for #2. Yes, we want a #2, but now is not the time. It is hard with both parents working, and childcare is really expensive.
He is always on the go, and we cannot keep up. We love this crazy boy!
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