Kris and Kari

Kris and Kari

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Maddux: 18 months

Another blog I wrote, but didn't post until months later!! I don't really keep up with a blog anymore, but I should.

Maddux has grown up so much since my last post.  He is such a fun, smart, and energetic little boy.  He knows what he wants, and is sad when he can't get it.  He is keeping us young!

The other day Kris and I wrote down all the words he says on a scrap 4x6 paper- we filled the front and back, and after a week he has 20 more words added!  Some of my favorite phrases are: "I did it!" , "No, thank you" , "Bye bye, see ya!", "A Kiss?",  and "It's a car!" (or airplane, or water, or baby). "Have fun nifornia!" (Have fun in California- he says that to airplanes as they pass)

He loves cars, trucks, trains, boats, and airplane.  He loves outside!  He loves to throw balls, he is all boy.

I love when he asks for something, he gets soo excited.  He'll see something like a bottle of bubbles, and says  "please, yes, please, more, please" and it is clear as day that he wants to blow bubbles.

He loves to watch videos on the iPad/iPhone.  If he sees one he will hand it to us and say "Iddeeoo" or some version of "video".  He will get specific sometimes.  he will hand the phone and say "choo choo ideo", when he wants to watch the video of a train, or "Geeeeetaaaah" when he wants to watch the video of Kris playing his guitar for him.

He will always make a monkey noise when he sees a monkey.  He'll say "poo poo" when he has a dirty diaper, "no thank you" when we offer him some food, and say "night night" when he goes to bed.

His favorite songs right now are: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, I Love to See The Temple, and No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. I love watching him sing the monkey song, he will pat his head with a sad face during "he fell off and bumped his head"

He'll give kisses and it melts my heart.  I love when he gives loves.  He finally says "ove you" for I love you. 

He makes us so happy.  We are so grateful for his fun spirit.  I've seen so many blogs lately of families who have lost a young child.  It makes me so sad!  One blog specifically said to take the time to spend with your little ones.  Every time I read one, I just hug Maddux and soak it all in.   I couldn't live this life without my little pumpkin.   We are so blessed.

Below are pictures from this Summer! 

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