February 8th, 2013 my water broke at 3AM. I know your body does crazy things when pregnant, so I was thinking he kicked my bladder and I peed. I called my mom, and thought it was weird she answered the phone in 1 ring, like she was awake the whole time. I was thinking, "well maybe my water broke." I was going to take a shower and let time pass before I decided what to do. Then about 3:30 or 3:45AM I started getting contractions and knew I was in labor.
Kris and I ate food before we went to the hospital, because we knew it could be a long time before we ate again. I grabbed my hospital bags and we were off!
It went all so fast from there. My contractions were getting worse and worse, and they kept asking questions to prepare me for delivery. Maddux was still breech, and still had shoulders measuring much larger than normal (although his overall weight wasn't too big) and that is why my doctors recommended a C-section. The hospital called my doctor, told her my status and everything that was going on, and they scheduled my c-section for 8:30AM. I got an epidural around 7:30AM, so life was much easier at that point. It was all very surreal. I couldn't believe my baby was coming soon. After the epidural and before going in the operating room, I remember being very happy. I was at peace, felt blessed, and was excited to meet Maddux.
Kris and I were on our phones, texting/calling family, friends and co-workers. Telling everyone the exciting news.
I actually had a doctor appointment scheduled that day at 11AM, and was going to set up the time for my C-section the following week. When my doctor walked in, I joked that I wouldn't be able to make the appointment at 11AM. I know, lame joke, but I'll blame it on all the drugs I was on.
It was so werid being numb, and getting rolled to the operating room. They moved my numb body, (which felt like 400 lbs) onto this ironing board size table, and put up the sheet, so I wouldnt see them cutting me up.
Kris was very supportive. He kept asking if I was OK. I never got nervous or scared, and I think having him there really prevented all of that.
I could feel the tugging and pressure, and knew it was happening. The anesthesiologist told Kris, "Dad, get your camera ready" and I watched Kris' face. Maddux was born at 9:53AM and weighed 6lbs 15oz and was 18inches long. Hearing his cry was so great. I know that cry might drive me crazy later, if it doesn't already, but tears of joy streamed down my face knowing he was here.
A nurse very quickly walked by after he was all clean, and showed him to me, and was off to the nursery. I was very out of it for the next few hours.
I got sick from being on the medicine, and really itchy from some medicine wearing off. I kept scratching my nose like someone on drugs. A nurse came in, while I was completely out of it, and told me they were taking Maddux to the "Neonatal Intensive Care Unit". Kris was out eating lunch, and it took me a second, but I said "the NICU?!"
Dr.'s all told me before I had the baby, that he will probably be born with a low blood sugar. Babies get about 1/3 from their mothers pancreas, and because my pancreas is closed for business, his had to over produce while in the womb. I thought it would take a few hours to get on track, but took several days with him on an IV with a small amount of sugar in it. While he was in the NICU, they tested for infection. His CRP (which is an immature white blood cell) level was really high. Because of that, they put him on a 7 day antibiotic. When they told me they were putting him on that, I cried worse than all the babies in the NICU. I just wanted my baby home.
I didn't get to hold him until about 10PM that evening, and that was Kris' first time holding him too.
It was a long first week. Watching him getting poked and bothered was heartbreaking. Driving back and forth from the hospital to home was entirely exhausting. But each day I got a little better, and so did Maddux. We were beyond ready to get his hearing test done (last test needed in hospital) and be on our way!
Everyone was so excited to meet him. Only parents are allowed in the NICU, so all our family had to wait until he came home to meet him.
We have been home for one week now. Still, entirely exhausting, but also so rewarding. We are so happy this little peanut is here, and he makes us so happy.
Kris and Kari

Saturday, February 23, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Showered with love
I not only got one shower, but two!
My sisters and SIL put together a darling baby shower with the theme "Ready to POP". Good friends, good food, good company, and a good time.
Kris and I received everything we needed. The decorations were so cute, they had to have put so much time in making all of this!
Just when we thought we wrote all of our Thank-you cards-- I had another surprise shower!
My work surprised me over lunch one day. On everyone's calendar it said "Team Outing- Lunch brought in" .. Seriously, even the busiest people were there.
I walked in the room, and heard "SURPRISE". There was Metro Pizza, Bundt Cakes, and more gifts! We truly are blessed to know they people we know. This baby boy is already spoiled-- hope he won't be rotten. :)
My sisters and SIL put together a darling baby shower with the theme "Ready to POP". Good friends, good food, good company, and a good time.
Kris and I received everything we needed. The decorations were so cute, they had to have put so much time in making all of this!
Just when we thought we wrote all of our Thank-you cards-- I had another surprise shower!
My work surprised me over lunch one day. On everyone's calendar it said "Team Outing- Lunch brought in" .. Seriously, even the busiest people were there.
I walked in the room, and heard "SURPRISE". There was Metro Pizza, Bundt Cakes, and more gifts! We truly are blessed to know they people we know. This baby boy is already spoiled-- hope he won't be rotten. :)
How far along? 38 weeks!!
Total weight gain: Enough... I am definitely in the "healthy" category.
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah, even those are starting to get tight. I just like my robes right now.
Stretch marks? Well, there are several places I cannot see anymore. There are probably a few here and there.
Sleep: A little. I wake up often during the night.
Best moment this week: Getting his nursery done!
Miss Anything? I'm starting to miss lots of stuff. Hot tubs, my non-swollen feet, sleeping in.. I am ready to meet our baby.
Movement: Yes. Sometimes I think he is trying to bust through the skin.
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah, even those are starting to get tight. I just like my robes right now.
Stretch marks? Well, there are several places I cannot see anymore. There are probably a few here and there.
Sleep: A little. I wake up often during the night.
Best moment this week: Getting his nursery done!
Miss Anything? I'm starting to miss lots of stuff. Hot tubs, my non-swollen feet, sleeping in.. I am ready to meet our baby.
Movement: Yes. Sometimes I think he is trying to bust through the skin.
Food cravings: No, but I do get hungry often.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Well, nothing due to the pregnancy. Some types of fish still gross me out, and will forever gross me out.
Gender: Big boy.
Labor Signs: Back aches, Braxton Hicks, and the baby has dropped enough for me to breathe better.
Gender: Big boy.
Labor Signs: Back aches, Braxton Hicks, and the baby has dropped enough for me to breathe better.
Symptoms: I have swollen feet, and does double chin count as a symptom?
Belly Button in or out? My belly button is so weird. It is in, like I could stick a finger in it, but the skin around it is kind of popping out.. TMI-- It is hard to explain..
Wedding rings on or off? I could wear them, but it was making my finger red. I took off, but ready to put back on!
Happy or Moody? Not too moody, but everything touches my heart and makes me cry (happy tears, movies that really aren't that sad..) I think I was a moody person before being pregnant, so I don't know how much I can blame on being pregnant.
Happy or Moody? Not too moody, but everything touches my heart and makes me cry (happy tears, movies that really aren't that sad..) I think I was a moody person before being pregnant, so I don't know how much I can blame on being pregnant.
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